BPM ID Komplett | Additional equipment for BPM, LoCuM-4 and Cables

Technische Beschreibung:

In addition to the Beam Position Monitor,
FMB offers the necessary additional equipment for installation of complete BPM-units:

1. The BPM chamber

  • FMB standard solution or according to customer’s specification
  • material: 1.4301 or 304, option: 316LN (flanges)

2. The underframe (column)

  • massive standard column, filling with sand is recommended
  • insulation against variations in temperature
  • special design according to space requirements is possible

3. The LoCuM-4 with cables

  • for analysis of the detected photon currents
  • four-channel low-current monitor and current-voltage converter
  • simultaneous determination of the four independent photocurrents between 100 pA and 1mA
  • controller for internal switch function – remote mode via RS232
  • special double-shielded measurement cable (length about 20 m) is recommended

4. Pinhole Array

  • with frame
  • installation in dipole BPM

5. Appropriate bellow

  • welded bellows ( about 20 membrane pairs (DN35CF) and 30 membrane pairs (DN63CF) ) for motorized stages
  • hydroformed bellows for manual adjustment

6. The motorised H-V-Stage

  • adjustment of the complete pre-set BPM into its accurate measurement position within the Beamline
  • high precision and compactness
  • with stepper motor
  • encoder is recommended, but manual operation is possible (necessary mechanical limitation is installed)

Technische Daten:

H-, V-Stag e10/10     
Length over all   ≈ 354,4 mm
Width over all   ≈ 195 mm
Height over all   ≈ 215,5 mm … 225,5 mm
Stroke Y (horz.)   10 mm
Stroke Z (vert.)   10 mm
Repeat accuracy with Encoder (option)   ± 0,001 mm
Repeat accuracy with limit switch   ± 0,01 mm
Threaded spindle:    
-Dimension   M12x1
-Normal backlash   0,02 mm
-Pitch error   0,003 mm…0,008 mm
Stepper motor    
Company   ORIENTAL
Type   High-torque PK-type
No.   PK268-E2,0B
Holding Torque   1,35 Nm
Current per Phase   2 A
Voltage   4,5 VDC
Resitance per Phase   2,25 Ω
Angle per fullstep   1,8°
Repeat accuracy with Encoder(optional)   ± 0,001mm
Step mode   Full / half / micro
Connection motor   Coninvers RC-09P1N324100
Connection limit switch   Coninvers RC-12P1N324100
Encoder (option)    
Company   Renishaw
Type   RGH24
Resolution   5 μm … 0,1μm
Signal   TTL RS-422
Current   120 mA (150 mA)
Voltage   5 VDC ±5%
Connection   Sub-D 15 Male


Datasheet BPM_ID_Komplett_LoCuM-Additional_equipment

September 9, 2022
Detektoren & Diagnostische Komponenten

SAES Group

FMB ist jetzt Teil der SAES Group.

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