img src="/images/images/Portfolio/Detectors-and-Diagnostics/Diagnosekomponenten/Intensity-Monitor/520-01-00_intensitymonitor_neu.jpg" alt="Intensity Monitor" title="Intensity Monitor"/>
Intensity Monitor

Technische Beschreibung:

The intensity monitor is used for in-situ measurement of the photon flow and can be used in a broad energy range. Photons hit an isolated, stretched-out net which is connected to an ammeter, and generate an external photoelectrical effect.
Electrons leave the net and lead to an electrical current as a measure of the photon flow. In order to allow the use of different net materials and net dimensions the monitor has receptacles for two nets. The cooled monitor head is installed on a linear travel mechanism. Thus the two nets can be moved into different beam positions or completely removed out of the beam. In order to improve the electron yield the nets are BIAS-compatible.


Technische Daten:

Energy range:    1 keV … 20 keV
Nets:   tungsten, gold, copper, nickel
Net size:   Ø 12 mm
Transmission:   > 75 %
Electrical feedthrough:   x floating shield
Basic flange:   CF 100
Monitor head:   OFHC copper
Manipulator stroke:   50 mm vertical
Drive:   stepping motor, limit and reference switches
Cooling:   OFHC copper pipe, Ø 6x1
Temperature measurement:   TC, K-type
Photo-current measurement:   1 pico-ammeter (e.g. Keithley 6487 or equivalent)
UHV compatibility:   yes


Datasheet Intensitymonitor

September 9, 2022
Detektoren & Diagnostische Komponenten

SAES Group

FMB ist jetzt Teil der SAES Group.

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